Update 2014 of the CO2 Content in the atmosphere

Update 2014 of the CO2 Content in the atmosphere


The CO2 Content in the atmosphere measured in ppm (parts per million) set a new record in 2014 (as in all years in decades). In 2013 the content was 396.48 ppm and in 2014 it was 398.55 ppm – this updated figure is used in ClimatePositions.

Some scientists estimate that 350 ppm is the “safe” limit of CO2 in the atmosphere. See the development 1960-2014 in the diagram. Human-caused CO2 Emissions is the main cause of global warming, climate change, extreme weather and sea level rise.

The national Climate Contributions (in ClimatePositions) increase along with the annual increase of CO2 Content in the atmosphere. Here is one example: The accumulated Climate Contribution (climate debt) of the United States increased from $6,173 per capita to $6,177 (or $1.3 billion increase of the total US climate debt).

Sources on CO2 in the atmosphere: NOAA Earth System Researth Laboratory (links in the menu “Calculations”).

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