In 2010 Japan was the 3rd largest Nuclear Power producer, but after the tragic Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011, the country dropped to no. 18 in 2012. The diagram shows Japan’s Nuclear Power generation in kWh per capita 2000-2012. The grey line shows the global generation per capita.
In ClimatePositions Japan’s shut down in Nuclear Power energy, provides future savings in the Climate Contribution (climate debt). The other indicators however, will affect the Contribution in opposite directions in a complex interaction.
A hypothetical example: If Japan’s Nuclear Power generation had been shut down definitively in 2000 (and all other indicators were unchanged since then) the spared Contribution would have been 41 billion US$ in 2011. This amount is equivalent to 0.5 tons of CO2 Emission (carbon dioxide) annually per capita.
Japan was the 18th worst performing country out of 145 in ClimatePositions in 2010 (see the menu “Contributions”).
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