Obama hoping for change

Obama hoping for change


United States is not only notorious for illegal surveillance, waterboarding, illegal wars and imprisonments without trial – the country is also primarily responsible for climate change. While the oceans are rising Barak Obama is hoping for change (see the Sea Level rise in the diagram below).

United States was the 7th worst performing country out of 145 in ClimatePositions 2010 after Qatar, Singapore, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Trinidad and T. and Australia. When it comes to total Climate Contribution (climate debt) United States was a sovereign number one with $1,203 billion, which was 42.5% of the global Climate Contributions in 2010. The percentage reflects the lack of ability and willingness to act on the climate crisis since 2000. In the latest version of ClimatePositions the total Climate Contribution (climate debt) has increased to $1,409 billion.

To pay the climate debt and take serious actions against the devastating worldwide climate change is not yet considered to be in the national interest in United States!

Sea level rise 1960-2012

Drawing/collage by Claus Andersen, 2013.
Data on global sea level is from University of Colorado (links in the menu “Calculations”).

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