Climate Debt of Suriname: $58 Million ($98 Per Capita)

/ 2022 / The Per Capita Fossil CO2 Emission diagram above is from Calculation (Excel) and is explained in the menu “About”. Suriname ranks 104th of 172 countries on Climate Debt Total and is responsible for 0.0009% of the Global Climate Debt (ranking in the main menu). Suriname ranks 83rd on Climate Debt Per Capita (ranking in the main menu). Biodiversity Loss is 0.8%. The Climate Debt has been reduced 0.0% by Multilateral Climate Funds (deposited).

Key figures of Suriname:

Climate Damage Pricing $98   Per Capita
Climate Damage Pricing, Total $57,679,830   Total
Climate Funds (Damage paid for) $0   Per Capita
Climate Funds, Total (Damage paid for) $0   Total
Climate Debt, Total $57,679,830   Total
Price per tons CO₂ emitted since 2000 $1.47   Per Ton
Climate Debt reduced by Funds 0%
Climate Debt as share of GDP+ 0.7%
Biodiversity Loss 0.8%

Note: New National Indicator by January 2022 is Biodiversity Loss, which replaces Ecological Footprint, Environmental Performance and Forest Cover. At the same time, the overall level of Climate Debt has been reduced to about half.

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