Indicator updates: GDP-ppp 2016 and Climate Change Financing (now only Multilateral Funds)

Indicator updates: GDP-ppp 2016 and Climate Change Financing (now only Multilateral Funds)


2016-updates of national per capita GDP(ppp-$) from ‘World Bank‘ is now available in ‘Calculation (Excel)‘. The world’s average per capita GDP(ppp-$) grew from $15,668 in 2015 to 16,136 in 2016 (3.0% growth). The diagram below shows the development in per capita GDP(ppp-$) 2000-2016 of the world’s five largest per capita emitters of CO2 from Fossil Fuel and cement: Qatar, Trinidad and Tobago, Kuwait, Bahrain and Brunei; in comparison with the world average.

The ‘Indicator‘ of Climate Change Financing (Funding) has been updated as well. However, the source ‘Climate Funds Update¹’ no longer tracks and includes Bilateral Funds (information on approved Bilateral Funds is still ‘Available‘), only Multilateral Funds. Therefore, ClimatePositions exclude Bilateral Funds from the calculations as well.

The change increases the Climate Debt of only five countries: Australia (around $4 per capita or 0.1% of the Climate Debt), Germany (around $6 per capita or 0.3%), Japan (around $24 per capita or 1.0%), Norway (around $27 per capita or 0.4%) and the United Kingdom (around $23 per capita or 2.0%).

The total country-sourced multilateral Climate Change Financing has now reached $19.4 billion, or 0.3% of the global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Read also the article: ‘Predicted impact of climate change: 369 trillion by 2200 (study)‘.


¹Multilaterale Funds are available at Data Dashboard/ “the full dataset”/ ‘Download‘.


Drawing by Claus Andersen 2017.

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