Posts by tag: Congo

Forest Cover, Primary Forests and climate debt

Forest Cover, Primary Forests and climate debt


The national data of Forest Cover and Primary Forest are both included in the calculations of Climate Contributions (debt) in ClimatePositions. Primary Forest was included as an indicator in the worksheet in August 2014. The following describes selected findings on forests from FAO’s ‘The Global Forest Resources Assessments (FRA), 2010’ (main report, pdf, 378 pages). The Assessment is based on two primary sources of data: 1) ‘country reports’ and 2) remote sensing conducted by FAO and partners.

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Full Democracies means large Climate Contributions (climate debt)

Full Democracies means large Climate Contributions (climate debt)


The diagram shows 23 Full Democracy countries’ total share of the global: 1) Population (13%), 2) GDP(ppp-$) (51%), 3) CO2 Emissions (39%) and 4) Contributions (debt) (74%). Only 1/8 of the people on the planet live in other words in Full Democracies and they are accountable for 3/4 of the global Contributions (climate debt) in ClimatePositions 2010. Also the ecological footprint (excluding CO2 Emissions) of a majority of these 23 countries is very large, with an average of 2.7 EPI. Obviously democracies in general are still flawed when it comes to planet responsibility and climate change response. Costa Rica is the only Contribution Free country on the Full Democracy list (more about Costa Rica soon).

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