Posts by tag: Slovakia

Slovakia: Per Capita Climate Debt $1,025 (Ranked 49) – Fossil CO2 Emissions

In 2024, Slovakia is responsible for 0.071% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.

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Romania – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions and Climate Debt

Romania – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions and Climate Debt


Romania’s current Climate Breakdown Pricing amounts to $2.78 per tons Fossil CO2 emitted since 2000. The Climate Debt grew from $65 per capita in 2015 to $235 in 2020. Updated Rankings of 165 countries are available in the menu “Climate Debt”.

The following diagrams expose the trends of Fossil CO2 Emissions, Climate Debt, GDP(ppp-$), Population Growth and Ecological Footprint without carbon.

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Czech Republic – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions and Climate Debt

Czech Republic – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions and Climate Debt


The current Climate Breakdown Pricing of Czech Republic amounts to $15.33 per tons Fossil CO2 emitted since 2000. The Climate Debt grew from $1,398 per capita in 2015 to $3,356 in 2020. Updated Rankings of 165 countries are available in the menu “Climate Debt”.

The following diagrams expose the trends of Fossil CO2 Emissions, Climate Debt, GDP(ppp-$) and Nuclear Power.

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Ukraine – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions and Climate Debt

Ukraine – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions and Climate Debt


Ukraine’s current Climate Breakdown Pricing amounts to $0.82 per tons Fossil CO2 emitted since 2000. The Climate Debt grew from $44 per capita in 2015 to $105 in 2020. Updated Rankings of 165 countries are available in the menu “Climate Debt”.

The following diagrams expose the trends of Fossil CO2 Emissions, Climate Debt, GDP(ppp-$), Nuclear Power and Ecological Footprint without carbon.

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Poland – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions and Climate Debt

Poland – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions and Climate Debt


Poland’s current Climate Breakdown Pricing amounts to $9.87 per tons Fossil CO2 emitted since 2000. The Climate Debt grew from $593 per capita in 2015 to $1,555 in 2020. Updated Rankings of 165 countries are available in the menu “Climate Debt”.

The following diagrams expose the trends of Fossil CO2 Emissions, Climate Debt, GDP(ppp-$) and Ecological Footprint without carbon.

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Share of global Climate Debt rank 55th, 56th and 57th: Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia (combined responsible for 0.20% of Climate Debt and 0.41% of Fossil CO2 Emissions 2016)

Share of global Climate Debt rank 55th, 56th and 57th: Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia (combined responsible for 0.20% of Climate Debt and 0.41% of Fossil CO2 Emissions 2016)


The diagram below shows ‘Share of global Climate Debt‘ in 2010, 2015 and 2017 of Hungary, Slovakia and Serbia (ranked 55th, 56th and 57th). The share of Serbia is decreasing, while the shares of Hungary and Slovakia are up and down.

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Share of global Climate Debt rank 52nd, 53rd and 54th: Denmark, Bahrain and Iraq (combined responsible for 0.24% of Climate Debt and 0.63% of Fossil CO2 Emissions 2016)

Share of global Climate Debt rank 52nd, 53rd and 54th: Denmark, Bahrain and Iraq (combined responsible for 0.24% of Climate Debt and 0.63% of Fossil CO2 Emissions 2016)


The diagram below shows ‘Share of global Climate Debt‘ in 2010, 2015 and 2017 of Denmark, Bahrain and Iraq (ranked 52nd, 53rd and 54th). The shares of Bahrain and Iraq have increased significantly (Iraq had no Climate Debt in 2010), whereas Denmark’s share is relatively stable.

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Climate change performance of Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Belarus and Ukraine

Climate change performance of Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Belarus and Ukraine


1.5% of the global population lives in Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Belarus or Ukraine and together they emitted 2.3% of the global CO2 from fossil fuels in 2012 – the joint share of the global Climate Debt was 0.7%.

Slovakia’s accumulated Climate Debt per capita is now $640 (in 2014 the ranking was 43rd among 147 countries), Poland’s is $519 (ranked 47th), Hungary’s is $406 (ranked 54th), Belarus’ is $274 (ranked 59th) and Ukraine’s is $168 (ranked 63rd). See the ‘ranking’. The following examines the Climate Debt trends and the indicators of CO2 Emissions from fossil fuels, GDP(ppp-$) and Climate Debt as a percentage of GDP.

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European Union “east” compared to bordering countries

European Union “east” compared to bordering countries


The ‘European Union’ (EU) is an economic and political partnership between ‘28 countries’. Around 7% of the global population lives in EU and they emit around 12% of the global CO2 from fossil fuels and are responsible of 13% of the Climate Debt in ClimatePositions. The following examines a group of 10 countries in eastern EU which joined the union between 1981 and 2007 in comparison with 8 bordering countries.

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