Posts by tag: Niger

Nigeria – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions (zero Climate Debt)

Nigeria – per capita Fossil CO2 Emissions (zero Climate Debt)


Although Nigeria’s accumulated Climate Debt is zero, the populous country is the world’s 38th largest emitter of Fossil CO2.

The following diagrams expose the trends of Fossil CO2 Emissions, GDP(ppp-$), Environmental Performance, Forest Cover and Primary Forest.

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Climate performance of Nigeria and neighboring countries

Climate performance of Nigeria and neighboring countries


Nigeria and the neighboring countries Benin, Niger, Chad and Cameroon are Contribution Free in ClimatePositions. Nigeria is the world’s 8th most populous country and the annual population growth rate since 2000 is 2.2% or almost twice the world average (see the first diagram). The following examines the indicators of Forest, GDP(ppp), Environmental Performance, Ecological Footprint and CO2 Emissions (carbon dioxide).

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