In 2024, Cyprus is responsible for 0.022% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.
In 2024, Poland is responsible for 0.64% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.
In 2024, Iran is responsible for 0.49% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.
In 2024, China is responsible for 22.37% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.
In 2024, Portugal is responsible for 0.15% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.
In 2024, Turkey is responsible for 1.19% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.
In 2024, Israel is responsible for 0.13% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.
In 2024, Denmark is responsible for 0.08% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.
In 2024, Slovakia is responsible for 0.071% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations.
In 2024, Serbia is responsible for 0.084% of the Global Climate Debt accumulated since 2000. Below are some key figures in the calculations. Note that Serbia’s Fossil CO2 Emissions has been adjusted at the source since the last calculation.
/2024/ A new version of ClimatePositions Calculation Excel is now available in the menu. Updated rankings by country are also available in the menus.
In January 2024, the Global Climate Debt (accumulated since 2000) was 7.8 Trillion dollars, which is an increase of 700 Billion dollars annually since 2022. This reflects the tragic fact that global CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuels were 6.7% higher in 2022 than in 2020.